Gratitude and Growth: Reflections on This Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving Pause

The Thanksgiving holiday offers a momentary pause from the hustle of life. It’s a chance to step away from work deadlines, busy family schedules, and community commitments. But it’s more than just a break to indulge in turkey or hunt for Black Friday deals. It’s a time for reflection and recentering on what truly matters: family, friends, and meaningful work that makes a difference.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

— William Arthur Ward

A Year of Growth and Milestones

This year has flown by. Professionally, my work at Equalize Digital has taken me across the globe. One highlight was traveling to WordCamp Europe in Turin, Italy, where we participated as event sponsors. It was especially memorable to have my wife, Jennifer, join me on this adventure (and yes, we put her to work at the booth!). Later in the year, I was honored to speak alongside my business partner, Amber Hinds, at WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon. These trips weren’t just about professional milestones, they were opportunities to share the mission of Equalize Digital, form new friendships, and deepen existing relationships over meaningful conversations and shared meals.

Speaking of breaking bread. One evening in Italy, the Equalize Digital leadership team gathered for a memorable meal. As the night progressed and the wine flowed, our business discussions shifted into personal territory. Someone raised the profound question: “What do you want to be remembered for in life?” We each gave heartfelt answers, but they all circled back to the same idea: to live for something bigger than ourselves and to make a positive impact on the world.

A Shared Vision

This shared vision aligns with our mission at Equalize Digital. It’s not just about making software or growing revenue, it’s about ensuring that technology and information are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Every accessibility fix we deploy is a step toward fairness, dignity, and respect for individuals who have long been overlooked by software creators. I’m grateful to have business partners who share this vision of creating positive change in the world through technology.

As a husband, father, and entrepreneur, I’m also grateful for the support of my family, who make it possible for me to pursue this mission. They keep me grounded and remind me what really matters.

Gratitude for the Communities

I’m also thankful to the WordPress and accessibility communities, whose passion inspires me daily. Your commitment to making the web better for everyone keeps me motivated.

Thank You

I want to thank everyone who has been part of this year’s journey. Whether through your support, collaboration, or encouragement, you’ve helped make this work possible. I wish you a Thanksgiving filled with moments that remind you of what’s truly important.

Simplified Summary

This Thanksgiving, I'm taking a moment to think about my year of work and growth. As the leader of Equalize Digital, I traveled to exciting places like Italy and Oregon, where I shared my passion for making websites better for everyone. My wife Jennifer joined me on one of these trips, and we worked together at a big conference. Our team talks a lot about helping people through technology. We believe the web should work for all people, no matter their abilities. During a special dinner in Italy, we talked about making the world a better place. The WordPress community has inspired me to keep working hard. I'm thankful for my family, who supports me, and for the chance to do work that matters. This year has been about connecting with people and trying to create positive change.

About Steve Jones

I'm Co-Owner and CTO at Equalize Digital, makers of the Accessibility Checker. I'm an entrepreneur, accessibility practitioner, and WordPress product creator. I regularly speak at events and co-host the Accessibility Craft podcast.


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